Toothcare: What to know about tooth extraction


The teeth happen to be a very important and extremely sensitive part of the body which when it hurts, affects not just your teeth or mouth but the rest of your body too. That said, if your tooth is damaged beyond repair, you can consider tooth extraction surgery. And in case you’re aware of this very common but very feared procedure but hesitant to get it done, here are some things you should know before getting your tooth extracted according to


1) Maintain Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is extremely important before any tooth extraction. Gently brush your teeth the night before your surgery and on the day of the extraction. Do not tamper with the surgical areas. You can also rinse with mouthwash or saltwater 24 hours after the surgery in case there is less bleeding observed. This can be done at least 2-3 times a day after having any meals. Also, smoking should be avoided at least a week before and after the tooth extraction to prevent further infection and decay.


2) It’s Not Dangerous: Though there is a popular misconception that tooth extractions are dangerous and can aggravate dental complications, dentists use local anesthesia, if needed, and sophisticated tools that make the procedure pain-free and quick. Before the procedure, the dental surgeon will need an X-ray of the affected area to decide and analyze how to remove the infected tooth. You need to provide details of your medical history and the medications you take if any. Tooth extraction is the best option to get rid of a decayed and infected tooth and protect the gums from further infections.


3) Taking Care of the Swelling: After the surgery, you will naturally feel some discomfort so you will have to apply ice-packs externally at an interval of every 20 minutes to reduce any bruising and swelling.


4) Taking Care of the Bleeding: After your tooth extraction, it’s also possible that you might experience some bleeding. Dentists will either advise you to keep a gauze pad over the surgical area for at least half an hour or give you instructions on how to care for the bleeding.


So you see, tooth extraction is not that hard so you can go ahead and book that appointment to end your pain permanently.