
THE BOX SHOW is a music, entertainment, health and lifestyle program that aims to educate, inform and entertain her listeners.

Debuting in 2011, The BOX SHOW has gone from one station to multiple stations in Africa. Produced by Alvary Creatives (www.alvarycreatives.com), THE BOX SHOW intends to bridge the gap in the African music/entertainment industry by exposing Nigeria to Africa and vis-à-vis. While doing this, we also encourage our listeners to stay healthy with our health tips (TIP-OFF) and win loads and loads of freebies.


Questions, comments and contributions?

Phone: +2348072290886, 8086139999
Whatsapp: +2348072290886

Twitter: www.twitter.com/dboxshowafrica
Instagram: www.instagram.com/dboxshowafrica
Facebook: www.facebook.com/theboxshowafrica
E: info@alvarycreatives.comroy@alvarycreatives.com