4 home remedies to ease an abscessed tooth


An abscessed is a pocket of pus, a thick fluid that is made up of dead white blood cells, tissue debris, and bacteria, that can form in different parts of a tooth as a result of a bacterial infection. This infection of the tooth originates from the tooth’s inner chamber, which is called the “pulp chamber.” This pulp chamber contains blood vessels and nerves, collectively called the “pulp.”

The tooth abscess also called “periapical abscess” originates from the pulp of the tooth and exits out the tooth’s apex at the bottom of the root. It is different from a gum abscess “periodontal abscess” which starts in a gum pocket outside of the tooth next to the root from gum disease. There are many causes for abscessed tooth, very common among them is when a dental cavity (tooth decay) becomes so large and deep that it reaches the pulp chamber.

Your tooth could become abscess if you are blown on your tooth for instance during a fight. In such situation, there would be immediate blood supply to the tooth. When the blood supply is lost, the nutrient supply is also lost. The tooth turns dark in colour compared to surrounding teeth. If you have a failed dental treatment such as crowns, whitening, veneers, implants, braces, or gum reshaping, or a filling that gets too close to the pulp chamber, you could feel a pain with eating or with pressing on the tooth. If you have a tooth trauma resulting from grinding or clenching you could feel swelling on the gum tissue that is filled with pus. The raised swelling looks like a pimple near the affected tooth.

In every form of a tooth abscess, the pulp is adversely affected and is unable to recover from the insult or injury. Now Abscessed tooth causes moderate to severe pain that can sometimes radiate to your ear or neck depending where it happens in your mouth. This tooth infection is within a tooth that has spread to the root tip or around the root and can occur at different regions of the tooth for different reasons. It can form inside the teeth, in the gums or in the bone that holds the teeth in place

Dental abscesses are often painful, but not always. However, oral health home remedies are not advised for an abscessed tooth. Generally they should be they should be looked at by a dentist. It been reported that home remedies are not advised for an abscessed tooth as well as oral health in general. Home remedies could only be used to temporarily alleviate the symptoms using:

  1. Saltwater rinse: Mix 1/2 teaspoon of normal table salt with 1/2 cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with it. Try to swish it around inside your mouth for at least two minutes. Spit the water out.Repeat up to three times per day.
  2. Baking soda rinse:  is excellent for removing plaque in the mouth. It also has antibacterial properties. Mix 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda with 1/2 cup of water and a pinch of salt. Swish the mixture in your mouth for up to five minutes. Spit out, and repeat until you’ve finished the mixture. You can repeat this up to two times per day.
  3. Garlic: Garlic is another natural remedy with an ancient history of many beneficial therapeutic uses, including as a pain manager and bacteria killer. Make a paste by crushing a fresh clove of garlic. Rub the paste on the infected area. This can be repeated multiple time per day.
  4. Cold compress: this will help reduce pain and swelling. Place ice cubes in a dry towel. Hold the compress against your skin near the affected area. The compress can be used for 15-minute intervals. This may be repeated multiple times per day.

You can prevent abscessed tooth in many ways including regular examinations by a dentist to monitor and address any cavities present in the mouth.

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