This Is Why You Gain Weight During Your Period

Period weight gain and bloating are quite common among a lot of women. You get used to it and assume it’s one of the sacrifices of being a woman, but that’s not always the case.

Here are some reasons for period weight gain:


If you’re gaining weight during your period, it’s like because you’re having a lot of cravings. The sad part is we don’t usually crave healthy foods, it’s usually the sweet and salty junk food we really want to take. So if you’re trying to lose weight just take a lot of water and try to avoid junk food.

Water retention

During your period, your body absorbs a lot of water and retains it throughout your period. Change in hormone can make it harder for your body to get rid of the absorbed water. Drinking fresh water helps your body detoxify and gets rid of the excess water and salt.

period weight gain
Lack of exercise

Most women become sluggish and moody when they’re on their period which makes them skip their exercise routine. Having cravings and eating junk without exercising leads to extra weight gain. Funny thing is, the best time to exercise is during your period.


Hormonal fluctuation causes your body to find it difficult to get rid of excess waste which can sometimes result in constipation and bloating. This will end up making you gain a little extra weight when you’re on your period. Taking a lot of fruits can help reduce this.

So basically, it’s really better to reduce your sugar intake and drink a lot of water when you’re on your period if you really don’t want the extra weight. Try it and let’s know how it worked for you.