This Is Why Your Period Is The Best Time To Exercise

When you’re on your period we’re sure the last thing on your mind is exercise. You’re dealing with cramps and your hormones are all over the place, exercise is out of it. But what if we told you the best time to exercise is when you’re on your period.

Reasons why your period is the best time to exercise

the best time to exercise
It boosts exercise performance

training in the first two weeks of your period boosts exercise performance, allows you to burn more calories per workout and gives extra strength to carry through high-intensity workout training.

Helps with sleep disorders

For women who have a hard time sleeping or have night headaches that prevent sleeping during their period. Exercising can release hormones in the body temperature which will allow your brain to relax and ease tension.  This will help you sleep better.

Helps with PMS symptoms

Your period comes with PMS, which means migraines, moodiness, back pain, belly bloat, and a lot more. Exercising can help you clear these symptoms without having to pop painkillers. The best part is you sweat so the belly bloat reduces.

Improves your mood

It’s a well-known fact that women on their period are cranky and have really bad mood swings. You can be an exception if you decide to go for a run when you’re on your period. Exercising releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural happy pills, so you’ll be in a great mood.