

Epistaxis, or a nosebleed, is when you lose blood from the tissue that lines the inside of your nose. A combination of dry air and tiny blood vessels that line the inner surface of your nose often cause nosebleeds. There are simple steps you can take to treat and prevent them. Although annoying, nosebleeds usually aren’t a cause for concern.

Causes of Nosebleed

Infections: Colds (upper respiratory infections) and sinusitis, especially episodes that cause repeated sneezing, coughing and nose blowing.

Blood-thinning medications: Drugs such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), warfarin and others.

Chemical irritants: Chemicals in cleaning supplies, chemical fumes at workplaces and other strong odors.

High altitudes: The air is thinner (lack of oxygen) and drier as the altitude increases.

And Finally, A doctor will attempt to stop the bleeding as the first course of action. They may also check a person’s blood pressure and pulse. If they suspect a fracture in the nose or face, they may also order an X-ray before recommending a suitable treatment option.