4 causes of Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans you should know


I tell you  this is one of the longest diseases name you have ever heard Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans but this time it is also known as (DFSP) for short. It is a rare type of skin cancer that starts in your skin’s middle layer (the dermis). This cancer grows slowly and rarely spreads. But it can return after surgical treatment. It may start in areas that have skin damage from burns, scars or tattoos.


Skin condition

A noncancerous skin condition called cellular dermatofibroma can look like DFSP, especially during the cancer’s early stage. Cellular dermatofibromas are benign soft tissue tumors that typically appear on your legs. They may be itchy or painful.this research is gotten an article from Cleveland clinic published on 29th august 2022.

Fusion of genes

The fusion of these genes causes an abnormal proliferation of cells from the affected or mutated cell. This is because the fused gene gives rise to excessive amounts of an abnormal fusion protein

Dislocation of chromosomes

DFSP is now known to be associated in almost 90% of patients with a translocation of chromosomes 17 and 22 t(17;22). This is recirpocral abnormality is not inherited, but occurs in tumor cells, after birth.

Skin irritation

Some tumors began on skin that was badly burned or injured, and others on irradiated skin or skin that showed vaccination scars. The nature of this risk is not yet clear according to an article from News Medical published on 26th Feb 2019.

And finally, if you are worried about a growth on your skin, you should see a dermatologist. Many skin growths look alike. DFSP often looks like a harmless skin growth known as a dermatofibroma. This harmless skin growth rarely needs treatment. DFSP always requires treatment. So there always maje sure to consult with your medical provider.