Plantar Warts and 4 causes you should know


Plantar warts are small, rough growths on the feet. They usually show up on the balls and heels of the feet, the areas that bear the most pressure. This pressure may also cause a wart to grow inward beneath a hard, thick layer of skin (callus)

Causes of Plantar Warts

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus): HPV causes plantar warts. When HPV enters a cut or break in your skin, it causes a skin infection that forms a plantar wart. It may take two to six months after HPV exposure for plantar warts to appear.

Weak immune system: They also are common in people who have weak immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS and taking corticosteroid or immunosupressive medication.

Infections and Viruses: Virus that invades the skin through tiny cuts or scrapes can cause warts. The warts may not appear for weeks or months after the initial exposure, Like other viral infections, plantar warts are contagious and are  commonly spread in public swimming pools, communal showers, or even your shower at home

Age: Epidemics of plantar warts sometimes break out among children. Because most people build immunity to the virus with age, plantar warts are more common in children than in adults according to a research obtained from an article on WebMD published on 21st July 2021.

In conclusion, some plantar warts will go away naturally while others may require at-home or medical treatments, such as applying salicylic acid to burn off the wart, or liquid nitrogen to freeze off the wart. Nevertheless, always check with your medical provider for proper care and treatment.