Woman suffered 15 years of abuse by controlling partner


A woman has told of the 15 years of abuse she suffered at the hands of her controlling partner – who stopped her taking the pill, owning a mobile phone and even kept her in his work van during his shifts.

Katie Royle, 33, from Derbyshire, wasn’t allowed to leave the house without partner Richard Martin, 55, who forbade her to use the internet or own a phone during their relationship.

Mother-of-four Katie had no control over when she became pregnant or how many children she had because he ‘stopped her taking the contraceptive pill’.

Martin was sentenced to two years in jail at Derby Crown Court on November 29, 2018, for ‘engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate/family relationship’.

The brave mother finally broke away from the relationship when she went to the doctors to seek help for her mental health.