Why You Must Observe Your Lunch Break



“The kind of food people choose when they stay at their desk is not the healthiest,” he says. “You can be more purposeful in your food choices when you get up and leave your office during lunch.”

Fresh salads, sandwiches, soups and fruit are healthy options that most of us won’t find in a vending machine, or office kitchen.

Fewer aches and pains

According to the Mayo Clinic, neck and back pain can result from continuous hours stuck behind a desk. Poor posture and sitting in one position puts strain on your spine and the muscles that help support it.

“Getting up, changing position and moving at lunch counters the effects of enforced immobility, enhancing your comfort for the rest of the day,” says Pipe.

Leaving the office at lunch will stretch your spine and muscles, releasing pressure and eliminating discomfort. Plus, you’ll trade that sickly florescent lighting and stale office air for sunshine and a refreshing breeze.

You’ll accomplish more

When you plough through lunch sat at your computer, your brain doesn’t get a chance to switch off, and regroup. The result – an afternoon characterized by foggy thinking, tiredness and diminished productivity. Stepping away at lunch can help your brain fire on all cylinders.

“There’s an element of refreshment that a different environment, particularly an external environment, [can bring],” says Pipe. Returning to work in 60 minutes time, you’ll feel invigorated and refueled, ready to take on the afternoon’s challenges.

You’ll be happier

Spending your lunch hour with friends or co-workers can erase the negative effects of a hectic workday. Releasing stress by venting about work, or sharing a laugh is a guaranteed mood lifter.

“There are many positive mental health benefits that come from socializing at lunch as opposed to staying in a cubicle with your computer screen,” says Pipe. “When you interact with colleagues, you undergo a ‘mind scrub’ by talking about non-work related things – particularly if you’re outside and stimulated by sunshine.”

You’ll feel happier, less stressed, and your work and home life will benefit from this more joyful, less frustrated you.