Why Wait To Be Killed?



Most times, people suffering from depression fail to recognize they are actually suffering from depression, while others actually refuse to believe or feel too embarrassed to admit they are suffering from depression. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, depression comes in several forms and manner but at the end of the day it’s still depression and must be tackled with ‘argumentum ad baculum’.

Am sure you don’t need me to tell you that depression is no respecter of age, class or societal status as even the high and mighty does suffer from depression. According to a WHO report, over 300 million people suffer from depression globally. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is the number one contributor to global burden of disease. Note women are more affected than men.

Statistically, close to 800, 000 people die yearly due to suicide which has promoted suicide to the second leading cause of death in 15 to 29 year olds. There is a huge tendency for the stats to rise negatively owing to the fact only about 10% of patients receive the required treatments.

Keep in mind, depression can be broken down into mild, moderate or severe category. Depression results from a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors. Note, people who have gone through rigorous life experience (unemployment, psychological trauma, loss of loved ones or break ups) are more likely to develop depression which can lead to more stress and dysfunction there by turning their life’s upside down.

Talking to someone is always the first approach in fighting depression because it opens you up for solutions and stops one from taking irrational decisions. A good conversation can go a long way in tackling mild depression.

Regular exercises also helps a patient suffering from mild depression, in some cases it works like magic. Exercises help the muscles loosen up and frees up the hearth. So, whenever you suspect any symptom of mild depression, go for a run or engage in a few physical activities.

There are also effective treatments for moderate and severe depression. Health care providers may offer psychological treatments like behavioral activation, cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychological therapy or antidepressants medication.

Psychological treatments are also effective for mild depression. Antidepressants can be an effective form of treatment for moderate-severe, although they are not the first line of treatment for cases of mild depression and adolescents.

Fighting depression is key to survival of the human race, considering the pace depression is taking down millions of lives daily. Individuals must take personal measures to prevent depression and care for depressed individuals. So now move ahead and knock out depression!