What To Do If Your Sex Drive Is Higher Than His

When you hear about couples facing problems with mismatched sex drive, it’s usually assumed that it’s the man that’s craving more sex. But sometimes, the opposite is the case.

When your sex drive is higher than your partner’s you may find yourself struggling a little bit in the bedroom. But you can both get through it if you keep a few things in mind.

It’s not always about you

One of the first things that will cross a woman’s mind when her partner does not indicate an interest in sex is that he’s simply uninterested in her as a person. But there are some physical causes of his low libido. For example, it has been shown that obese men may have a lower sex drive. Also, the older he gets, the more his sex drive declines as well.

your sex drive is higher
Relationship problem

It’s not only women that experience a decline in libido when they are simply unhappy in a relationship. If your sex drive is higher than his, it’s possible that he may be struggling with a few things in the relationship. Stress, worry, and uncertainty can also affect his libido.

What you can do

It’s important to always address the issue of mismatched libido.  If your sex drive is higher than his, don’t ignore this elephant in the bedroom. Talk about it. This may help you understand him better and perhaps find a solution to the issue.

your sex drive is higher

Also, you can come to a compromise on the sexual frequency that works for you both. Or other ways he can show you some attention when he’s not in the mood for sex. When two people feel like they are both putting in the effort, almost any problem can be solved.