Unusual Uses For Garlic You Should Know

We all know garlic is really good for your health and everyone should eat it. But did you know about these unusual uses for garlic? Some of them will have your head spinning. Especially number five.

6 unusual uses for garlic

unusual uses for garlic
1. It treats acne fast

Garlic juice can be used to fight acne and the pots that come along with it. To make it more effective add lemon juice to it and rub in circular motions.

2. It is used as a mosquito repellant

To use it as a repellant, add crushed garlic to hot water and pour it into a spray bottle. It can be used as a disinfectant or mosquito and insect repellant spray around your house.

unusual uses for garlic
3. It’s used as glue

Surprising as this might sound, the syrup for garlic can be used as a glue. Add this can be used for sticking light paper and wood crafts together.

4. It serves as a cough syrup

Crush a few cloves of garlic into a small bit of hot water and drink it up. If you want to, you can add honey and lime to make it tastier.

unusual uses for garlic
5. It’s an aphrodisiac

Garlic is a major aphrodisiac because it aids blood flow and circulation through the body. So it’s amazing for getting you wet and keeping you aroused for longer. Say bye bye to sudden dryness.

6. It can treat yeast infection

It seems odd, but if you have a yeast infection, just remove the cloves and put it in a tiny piece of cotton cloth. Use a tampon applicator to insert it into your vagina and it treats the infection within days.