Top 4 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Mosquitoes


Top 4 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Mosquito coil fire kills triplets and their brother in Jigawa. According to PUNCH newspaper, the victims’ parents had lit a mosquito coil and placed it beside a mattress on which the children slept. Then the coil burnt out into the mattress, leading to the outbreak of fire. The children were rescued with severe burns and rushed to a hospital in the town for treatment. Unfortunately, they died from the injuries; even their parents were also said to have sustained injuries from the fire.

Now, apart from knowing that burning mosquito coils indoors, generate smoke which can control mosquitoes effectively no doubt, there are some harmful effects of mosquito coils on humans that can lead to corneal damage to the eye, shortness of breath, asthma, damage to the liver in long term use and even fertility issues in both men and women. So, if you disregard the fact that the smoke may contain pollutants concentrations which could substantially exceed health-based air quality standards, you should consider all these for your dear health sake.

For the benefit of those who barely know mosquito coils, Wikipedia defines a mosquito coil as “a mosquito repelling incense, usually shaped into a spiral, typically made from a dried paste of pyrethrum powder”. It is used all over the world especially in tropical regions like Africa, Asia, and North America where mosquitoes are found in abundance. It does pretty much of what mosquito sprays also do. But, it does not come with a knob as spray.

Mosquito sprays also have similar health challenges like the coils just so you know. Most scholars have alluded to the fact that mosquito coils are more dangerous to human health than its alternative the spray. But they both pose serious hazards anyway. Exposure to the smoke of mosquito coils could pose significant acute and chronic health risks. The emission of formaldehyde from burning one coil can be as high as that released from burning 51 cigarettes, a large suite of volatile organic compounds that include carcinogens in the coil smoke. The smoke from one mosquito coil burnt from beginning to end releases particulates into the air that are equivalent to between 75 and 135 cigarettes.

Apart from stagnant water which is the place where mosquitoes breed and multiply, a lot of other things could attract Mosquitoes. They get attracted by light. This is why you should use mosquito-repellent lights such as sodium lamps, yellow bug lights or LED lights in your house. But, if you understand the dangers of smoking, you will know it’s like direct 2nd hand smoking. Lighting mosquito coil is like sleeping in a room with a chain smoker while they smoke a few packs of cigarettes. This is not something you would voluntarily do. Would you? If you want to light Mosquito Coil at all, there are some recommended for outdoor use? They could burn for about 8hr without flame and still kill or repel mosquitoes. Why try out these four natural remedies among others instead.

1 Camphor

Camphor is another home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes in an environment-friendly manner (6). Just close all the doors and windows of the room. Then light camphor and leave it for about half an hour. When you go back to that room after some time, you will not find any mosquitoes. This is another home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes in an environment-friendly way. All you do is close all the doors and windows in a room, and then light the camphor and leave it alone for about a half hour. When you back to that room, the mosquitoes will be gone.

2 Coffee Grounds
It is the used ground beans that remain in a pot or coffee-maker. It’s simple yet effective method to getting rid of mosquitoes. All you need is sprinkle coffee grounds wherever you find still water near your home. The mosquito eggs present in the water will be forced to the surface and will be deprived of oxygen. This will kill them before they are hatched and prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
3 Plants and herbs
The fact that Mosquitoes hate the smell of certain plants and herbs makes life easier. Planting of certain plants and herbs like lemongrass, lavender, basil and rosemary around doors and windows to battle mosquitoes sometimes is the easiest thing to do. Even if you don’t have a garden, most of these are ideal for growing in a pot or container near doors and windows. These also are also ideal ingredients for any home-made remedies you wish to make yourself to keep mosquitoes away, such as candles or sprays.
4 Peppermints
It is a natural insecticide with fresh and minty aroma. You can use it as a bug spray to repel mosquitoes (31). Studies have proved that essential oils are most effective against mosquitoes, especially peppermint oil

You could go natural for the safety of your life. I would have suggested use fans around the area but what if there is outage in power even though the draft of a fan on low setting is enough to keep them away being very weak flyers or filling a bowl with plain beer and place it in your home to repel mosquitoes but I don’t want to encourage stupor. Just be sure to hang a mosquito net. If you can’t, keep all the doors and windows of your house closed to prevent the entry of mosquitoes. Whenever you see mosquitoes flying around you, just kill them immediately. This will make your atmosphere relatively mosquito-free.