#TIPOFF: Top 4 Home Remedies For Gas In Babies


Gas in babies is common, especially during the very early years. Several factors lead to flatulence in infants and babies, including the type of formula the baby has and the mother’s diet that affects the breast milk.

No matter what the reason is, it is essential to address the issue of gassiness in the baby, as it could make them fussy and cranky. So what causes gas in babies and how to get relief from it?

What Causes Gas In Babies?
Gas in the stomach can be the air swallowed through the mouth, or it can be the gas naturally produced by bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract. A baby can develop a gassy tummy due to any of the following reasons:

1. Drinking formula too fast: Babies who breastfeed feed at a controlled pace, but formula-fed infants tend to gulp down a lot more when the bottle is held vertically into the mouth. This leads to ingestion of surplus air that gets trapped within the stomach and causes bloating.

2. Poor latch to the nipple: Babies who do not latch properly to the breast or bottle nipple tend to leave a considerable gap between their mouth and the nipple. This gap can permeate the surrounding air, which the baby swallows along with the milk.

3. Not burping the baby between feeds: You should burp your baby between feeds since they cannot do it themselves. Leaving the baby without burping leads to accumulation of gas inside the belly.

4. Mother’s diet: What you eat is what you pass to your baby through breast milk. Certain food items may contain compounds that can get into breast milk and cause gas in babies.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Gassy Baby?

A baby with gas in the tummy displays the following symptoms :

1. Bloating: A baby’s bloated belly may indicate trapped gas. The belly will also be firm to touch.

2. Pulling legs towards tummy:The baby will try to relieve any discomfort caused by bloating by pulling the legs upwards.

3. Rubbing belly: Infants may also rub their belly while older infants and toddlers may hold or point towards the tummy to express discomfort.

4. Gurgling noises from the stomach: If the surroundings are quiet, then you may even hear gurgling sounds from the baby’s belly. It could be a result of gas moving inside the gastrointestinal tract. It is most likely to occur sometime after a feed.

Home Remedies For Gas In Babies
A few natural remedies also work as preventive measures for gas among infants. Parents must try the following steps at home when the baby displays symptoms of gas:

1. Burp: Timely burping after a feed prevents accumulation of gas in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. After every feed, hold the baby in your arms such that their head rests on your shoulder. Gently tap and rub the baby’s back between the shoulders till you hear a burp. Make sure to place a cloth on your shoulder since babies normally tend to regurgitate small amounts of liquid from their stomach.

2. Basic baby exercises: One of the best exercises for gas in babies is bicycle kicks. Lay your baby on the back on a soft surface. Move their legs up and down, imitating the act of bicycling. It helps exercise the abdominal muscles and stimulate the gut, which eventually leads to the baby passing gas and feeling better.

3. Give tummy time: Pediatric experts state that regular tummy time improves upper body strength among infants. Adequate abdominal muscle strength allows the gut to relieve itself from gas. The pressure on the belly during tummy time also helps in the removal of gas.

4. Tummy massage can do the work: Gentle clockwise massage around the navel stimulates the movement of food and gas through the gastrointestinal tract. You can consult a pediatrician or a certified pediatric massage therapist to learn specific massage techniques to relieve gas in babies.

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