Theresa May to resign as UK Prime Minister


Theresa May has announced she will step down as UK Prime Minister, after three bruising years that saw her fail to deliver Brexit.

May said Friday she would quit as leader of the Conservative Party on Friday June 7.

Her announcement triggers the start of a contest to replace her as Conservative leader and Prime Minister.

“Ever since I first stepped through the door behind me as prime minister I have striven to make the United Kingdom a country that works not just for the privileged few but for everyone, and to honor the result of the referendum,” May says.

“I have done my best” to deliver Brexit, May says — but she has failed to do so.

“I have tried three times.”

May adds it is a matter of personal regret for her that she has failed to deliver on her flagship policy.

Theresa May is addressing reporters outside 10 Downing Street. It’s expected that she will confirm her resignation imminently.

Helen Grant quit as the party’s Vice Chair for Communities, saying she wants “actively and openly” to support one of the candidates for the Conservative leadership. She didn’t confirm whom she will be endorsing.

“The PM has, of course, said she will be leaving, a decision that I respect and believe to be right,” she added in her letter.

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Helen Grant MP


It is with regret that I have today resigned as @Conservatives Vice Chair for Communities. Now is the time for new leadership to deliver Brexit and unite our Party and our Country.

Theresa May arrived at 10 Downing Street via the back entrance this morning.