Real Men Don’t Propose


Seriously??? Says who? Oh…..but wait….of course they don’t. “As a real man, why would you want to propose? It’s demeaning!!! When to even ask a lady out right now is not in vogue anymore, why in the heck would I want to bother going through all the hassle of picking out a ring, planning a proposal, intimate or public, and going down on one knee to say sweet nothings and make promises I don’t even intend to keep just to get her to say yes? It’s all a jamboree that means absolutely nothing and claims too much energy to waste time over when I can just get her pregnant and leave her to decide if she wants to be with me or not”. I’m almost a 100% certain that this was the thought process of the complete ignoramus who tweeted “real men don’t propose, they impregnate and let you decide if you want to be with them”.

I read this tweet with shock, then disgust, then pity for the man who had the blatant nerve to type this. From the looks of things, his mindset and reasoning obviously lacked something so crucial to its functioning. I mean, really. In the society where we live, though it has become rampant now than in the earlier generations, pregnancy outside of wedlock is still frowned on and so not a thing to be overly proud about. So is it in this same society that ‘real men’ should impregnate their women before marriage; that’s if he even marries her afterwards? I don’t think that makes any sort of sense.

A ‘real man’ does not enter into a relationship with a woman with no intention to marry her after a stipulated period of dating, like we call it here. A real man does not have sexual relations with a woman just for the fun of it without respect for her, let alone get her pregnant and leave her with the choice of staying with the so called real man for society or the child’s sake or leaving to bear the responsibility of raising the child alone. No REAL MAN would do that to a woman. A real man values his woman and does not intentionally do anything to hurt her because he always wants to see her happy. Part of that value is treating her like a queen and not like a one week fling that ‘just happened and meant nothing’ so he reflects that by going through all the above hassle and asking her to be his wife recognizing that she’s choosing him as her head for the rest of her life. A real man knows that proposing to a woman is not just words but promises he will strive to keep from the moment she says yes forward.
I felt terrible for every woman that had crossed that guy’s path and wished them better in their romantic lives.

Article by Soomto Ajanma