Practicing yoga for sleep? Here are some relaxing bedtime poses


Are you a yoga lover? If yes, this one’s for you. You’ll love it especially if you’re practicing yoga for sleep or relaxation.


Yoga literally means “union”, it is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Though few skeptics consider Yoga as one of the six orthodox philosophical schools of Hinduism, it’s methods and effects are now being studied and accepted worldwide, with many research studies supporting how it enhances immunity and lung capacity.


In this article Yoga for Sleep, Emily Stringer shares 20 Relaxing Bedtime Poses

Yoga is a form of meditative movement that focuses on breathing and different postures. A popular form of exercise, yoga is proven to have positive effects on health–both mental and physical. Practicing yoga before bedtime, and in general, is an excellent way to relieve stress, release tight muscles, stretch, and perhaps most importantly, help you sleep. A CDC survey of yoga practitioners found that 55% reported improved sleep and 85% reported decreased stress.

Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program. If you have any physical limitations or injuries, there are numerous modifications for yoga poses. Interested in practicing yoga for sleep and relaxation but aren’t sure where to start? Read on to learn what yoga poses are the best for sleep and how to do them.


1. Child’s Pose

One of the most popular yoga and beneficial yoga poses, Child’s Pose is a tabletop position pose. Tabletop poses are for beginner practitioners and start with both hands and feet on the ground on all fours with a flat back. Child’s Pose is a five step pose that stretches and lengthens the spine. Pop into Child’s Pose before bed to relax and loosen up your back muscles.

2. Corpse Pose

Corpse Pose is the ultimate pose for relaxing and focusing on your breathing. Like the name implies, Corpse Pose is a still pose that allows you to relax and be still. Called The Final Relaxation, Corpse Pose is usually saved for the end of a yoga class/practice sequence. When in this resting pose, try to stay present and aware of your breath.

3. Reclined Butterfly

Reclined Butterfly is perfect for a deep stretch. This pose improves circulation, stretches the inner thighs, groin, and knees, and is shown to help relieve stress and menstruation symptoms. Reclined Butterfly is recommended for those who sit frequently at work. Can’t sleep from back pain? The deep stretch from this pose is excellent for sciatica pain.

4. Legs On The Wall

This self-explanatory pose is simple yet packs big benefits. Legs On The Wall is a restorative posture that lets your mind and body relax preparing you for sleep. One of the easiest yoga poses that requires little flexibility or athletic skill, Legs On The Wall is recommended by doctors to ease swollen feet and ankles.

5. Lizard Pose

Tight hip flexors are a common concern many don’t know they have. Experiencing tight hip flexors can lead to a myriad of other problems like low back pain, stiffness, or sports injury. Lizard Pose is a great way to loosen up tight muscles to help you relax. This pose is recommended for intermediate practitioners and can be more of a challenge. Start slowly and work your way up to feel the full benefits of Lizard Pose.

Checkout 15 other Relaxing Bedtime Poses. Please share your thoughts at the comment section.