Nigeria needs a radical approach to be great – Nigerian man writes


A concerned citizen of the country has penned his thoughts on what Nigerians need to take if they want to see the country great again and according to him, it will only take a radical approach.

He wrote ;

A lot of people are waiting in line to do us more harm. The cabals will replace these government positions with their children and loyalists-i don’t see the replacements doing any better performance than the former, This system is a complete sham. we are oppressed and enslaved everyday in a subtle way, Infact the oppression from the law enforcers is vehicle to make politicians pretty much untouchable -to instill fear in us!. Corruption prosecutors are not installed on merits rather it is how far you have gone for the ruling party,who you know and how loyal you are. If we really want change in this country we have to be radical about it-matter expands when heated.

Let me explain the kind of radical i’m talking about, blogs,radiostations,importers,airlines, no one should operate or give a damn about the severe conseqences or penalties for not operating under the normal sequence of operations.

Artists including the most popular should not produce or export any song until there are visible changes. Most people figure their out without the help of the government and somehow that thought process works! Goverment don’t care, they don’t even see the persisting problems, they live from covoy to govt office to govt house not on the streets where the real deal is!

How do we take charge and prepare for the future if we don’t change our mindset? take a minute to stop making dance video challenge or creating unnecessary twitter memes ‘cos One’s progress is paradoxically slow when your mental & physical attention is divided, raw material go thru refining process to become valuable, channel your troll energy into fighting these oppressors using the same medium.

How do we prepare to fight the government radically when all we do is invest in properties,businesses & career we forget our kids our REAL future may grow up in this same economy & like the infinity symbol it’ll be same ol’ same ol’. the subtle oppression from the government has & will continue to enslave our minds until we break out of it.

The road is foggy however i am certain we will get there with a radical approach but who will be the first to swing a catapult at them without being shot down by #endsars .

A lot of people are waiting in line to do us more harm. The cabals will replace these government positions with their children and loyalists-i don’t see the replacements doing any better performance than the former, This system is a complete sham. we are oppressed and enslaved everyday in a subtle way, Infact the oppression from the law enforcers is vehicle to make politicians pretty much untouchable -to instill fear in us!. Corruption prosecutors are not installed on merits rather it is how far you have gone for the ruling party,who you know and how loyal you are. If we really want change in this country we have to be radical about it-matter expands when heated. – Let me explain the kind of radical i’m talking about, blogs,radiostations,importers,airlines, no one should operate or give a ?about the severe conseqences or penalties for not operating under the normal sequence of operations. Artists including the most popular should not produce or export any song until there are visible changes. Most people figure their ?out without the help of the government and somehow that thought process works! Goverment don’t care, they don’t even see the persisting problems, they live from covoy to govt office to govt house not on the streets where the real deal is! – How do we take charge and prepare for the future if we don’t change our mindset? take a minute to stop making dance video challenge or creating unnecessary twitter memes ‘cos One’s progress is paradoxically slow when your mental & physical attention is divided, raw material go thru refining process to become valuable, channel your troll energy into fighting these oppressors using the same medium.How do we prepare to fight the government radically when all we do is invest in properties,businesses & career we forget our kids our REAL future may grow up in this same economy & like the infinity symbol it’ll be same ol’ same ol’. the subtle oppression from the government has & will continue to enslave our minds until we break out of it. The road is foggy however i am certain we will get there with a radical approach but who will be the first to swing a catapult at them without being shot down by #endsars . ? ?

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Source: News Agencies