A grieving mum says she can still hear the screams of her daughter who was murdered for refusing to have sex with her killer.

Jodi Miller was murdered by Karar Ali Karar after she twice turned him down for sex.

The 21-year-old was leaving their mutual friend’s flat in Leeds when Karar attacked her, reports Leeds Live.

He stabbed her so ferociously in the chest, head and neck area that the kitchen knife murder weapon broke in several places.

She tried to flee but was tripped up by Karar who resumed the brutal attack.

The 29-year-old was today jailed for life and will serve a minimum of 25 years and 117 days behind bars.

Jodi Miller was found with life-threatening injuries at a house on Milan Road

Jason Pitter QC, prosecuting, said Karar, who lived in the flat upstairs, offered Jodi money for sex when she rejected him on the night of February 24.

The court was told he was under the influence of drugs when he made further sexual advances the following night and other males in the flat tried to get him to stop.

Jodi, who was in a relationship, slapped Karar and he went upstairs to his own flat to get a kitchen knife.

Judge Rodney Jameson QC said Karar reacted with ‘explosive rage’ and decided ‘to punish Jodi for her response’.

In a heartfelt victim impact statement read to Leeds Crown Court mum Susan Miller said: “I can’t sleep properly at night because I have nightmares of him being on top of Jodi, attacking and murdering her.

Police at the address in Leeds where Jodi was murdered

“I see Jodi screaming and shouting for me to help but I can’t get to her to save her. This is like reliving the incident.

“I can’t escape the pain and horror even when I sleep.”

Leeds Crown Court was told Jodi was still conscious and breathing and able to say she knew she was dying after Karar left the flat, and later died in hospital.

Ms Miller said: “In my eyes and the eyes of Jodi’s siblings, he murdered her and did this simply because she turned him down and told him ‘no’.

“On that night, he took my baby girl’s life away from her.

“He decided Jodi disrespected him so he made the decision she would pay.”

While Karar was being seen by a nurse after his arrest, Karar ‘casually’ said he had a small injury ‘from the time he killed the girl’.

Karar Ali Karar killed Jodi after she twice refused to have sex with him for cash

He later denied making the remark and committing murder and refused to leave his cell in Armley jail and to co-operate with his legal team until Tuesday this week – the day after his trial was due to begin.

Following legal advice, he initially pleaded not guilty but changed his plea to guilty on Wednesday.

Simon Kealey QC, mitigating, said Karar wished to express his remorse to the victim’s family, who were seated in the public gallery.

He said his client, who has no previous convictions, came to England from Sudan four years ago after he was detained and injured following a peaceful demonstration.

Det Insp Victoria Glover, of West Yorkshire Police’s Homicide and Major Enquiry Team, said: “We welcome the sentencing of Karar today for what was an horrific assault on a defenceless victim.

The killing happened in February

“Her only provocation to him was to reject his unwanted sexual advances and for that she was subjected to a savage level of violence which tragically resulted in her losing her life.

“Karar is a clearly an extremely dangerous man and we hope that seeing him convicted and behind bars may bring a measure of comfort to Jodi’s loved ones.

“We are thankful they have been spared the ordeal of a trial, and wish to commend their bravery through what has been a hugely traumatic time.”