Here’s How To Spend Less Money On Food And Still Eat Well

Now that we’re adults, we realize that we need to find every possible way to stretch our money. We found out that what our parents said was true – money really doesn’t grow on trees.

If you’ve been feeling like food is taking up a really large chunk of your money, we’ve got some hacks that can help you spend less money on food, and still maintain a healthy diet.

How to spend less money on food every month:

1. Prepare a budget

Theres’s nothing in the world that’s as beautiful as a budget is there? Consider your other expenses in the budget, then set the amount you will be spending on food for that month. Make sure you stick to it.

2. Prepare a food timetable

Thinking about the meal you’re going to prepare can be super annoying, but a timetable takes all that stress away. It also helps you spend less money on food. Check out this food timetable here.

3. Shop in bulk

If you’ve got a good freezer, go to major markets with your food timetable to guide you, so you can get better prices when you buy in bulk for the month or for the week.

4. Cook in bulk

Cooking soups and stews in bulk and in advance is a lifesaver. All you have to do is heat the food, and your food is ready.

5. Don’t waste your leftovers

Your leftovers can be had as breakfast or lunch the following day.

6. Pack your lunch to the office

Forgetting to take your food to the office will make you spend money to get food, and that’s what we want to avoid.

6. Host a potluck

Instead of hanging out and spending a lot of money at restaurants, go out to a park with your friends and have everyone bring their own food.