Here are 4 tips for controlling Molds, you should know


It’s impossible to get rid of all mold and mold spores in your home, but because mold spores can’t grow without moisture, reducing moisture in your home is the best way to prevent or eliminate mold growth. Mold will grow where there is moisture, such as around leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes, or where there has been a flood. And like I said the last time we discussed about Molds, it can cause many health effects. For some people, mold can cause a stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing or wheezing, burning eyes, or skin rash. So here are tips to controlling Molds

Top Tips for Controlling Mold

Ventilation: Be sure the air in your home flows freely. Use exhaust fans that vent outside your home in the kitchen and bathroom. Make sure your clothes dryer vents outside your home. Open windows for better ventilation. Also added, try to Fix any leaks in your home’s roof, walls, or plumbing so mold does not have moisture to grow.

Dry out carpets: Remove or replace carpets and upholstery that have been soaked and cannot be dried right away. Think about not using carpet in places like bathrooms or basements that may have a lot of moisture.

Keep up humidity levels: Keep humidity levels in your home as low as you can no higher than 50% all day long. An air conditioner or dehumidifier will help you keep the level low. You can buy a meter to check your home’s humidity at a home improvement store. Humidity levels change over the course of a day so you will need to check the humidity levels more than once a day. Basically, you should keep the house warm in cool weather. As the temperature goes down, the air is less able to hold moisture and it condenses on cold surfaces, which can encourage mold growth.

Eliminate Clutter: Clutter blocks airflow and prevents your HVAC system from circulating air so the right thing to do is to throw out things you don’t love or don’t use. Push furniture away from vents and grilles to keep air circulating.

As an extra, acquiring a humidifier would go a long way with helping to control molds by extraction.