Here are 4 major symptoms of Obsessive Cleaning Disorder (OCD)


People often feel like OCD is called Obsessive Cleaning Disorder. Something that just triggers them to just get up and clean and most of the time people brag about having this disorder when in actual sense it is not something to be proud of. To shed more light, OCD means Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears that leads a person to do repetitive behaviors. These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress. A person with OCD may try to ignore or stop your obsessions, but that only increases your distress and anxiety.

Experts aren’t sure of the exact cause of OCD but it’s said that Genetics, brain abnormalities, and the environment are thought to play a role. It often starts in the teens or early adulthood but it can also start in childhood. OCD affects men and women equally.


Symmetry OCD symptoms

OCD often presents itself with an urge to keep everything in order, symmetry, or perfection. A person with this particular symptom may tend to spend hours positioning objects symmetrically or write or rewrite lists repeatedly. Failure to keep things in order can make them feel stressed and anxious. They may have a fear that disorganization may cause unrelated harm to them or their loved ones. They have this extreme need for stability, even to walking with the same pressure on each foot. To them, everything has to be in order.

Contamination OCD symptoms

The person may be constantly worried about being contaminated with dirt or germs, causing them to perform various compulsive actions to combat the fear and anxiety. People with this type of OCD have obsessive thoughts about getting sick and spreading germs. They have this intense fear for anything they think is contaminated like obsessive fear of getting contaminated by touching certain substances, fear of being coughed or sneezed on, even obsessive fear about HIV, blood cancer, urine and so many more. Their compulsions are related to cleanliness but it is way beyond the typical ways people practice hygiene and clean.

Unacceptability/ Taboo OCD symptoms

People with this type of OCD have intrusive thoughts that stray far from their values whether sexual, violent, or taboo in nature. Everyone may experience an occasional taboo or “unacceptable” thought. But people with OCD may have a harder time letting these thoughts pass. And because they cannot let it pass, those thoughts can cause distress, anxiety and even panic attacks. These taboo fall into major categories like sexual orientation OCD, harm OCD, relationship OCD and more. People with this type of OCD often have the intense fear of committing a sin, constantly second-guessing one’s sexual orientation.

Harm OCD symptoms

As the word says, Harm OCD is characterized by the fear of hurting oneself or loved ones. The person may have mental images of violence against themselves or others and so as a coping mechanism, they may avoid the person or situation that triggers these symptoms. These people have the constant fear that they will break and hurt a loved one or themselves, they even constantly worry about acting on impulse even going as far as worrying about suicide before hurting someone else. Once you notice this sign, it is paramount you speak to a doctor or a therapist to help curb these intrusive thoughts.

Note; So before concluding that you have OCD, see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.