Game of Thrones’ stars wrap up final scenes hinting at surprising character meet ups


Game of Thrones’ Gilly has filmed her last scenes hinting at surprising character meet up for the final season.

Game of Thrones season eight is very nearly going into post-production as more and more stars reveal that they have completed their final scenes.

But now our ears have perked up finding out that two characters – who we have not seen together on screen yet – have wrapped at the exact same time in a suggestive tease for the HBO’s show’s direction next year.

Now, GoT star Hannah Murray teased new interactions between her character, Gilly, and others at Con of Thrones in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday.

Game of Thrones’ stars wrap up final scenes hinting at surprising character meet ups

‘All I will say is I got to work with some people I hadn’t had the chance to work with before,’ Murray told Insider when asked about memorable days on set this year. ‘And that was really amazing.’ Who could she be talking about?

Sam and his ‘wife’ Gilly arrived to Winterfell at the very end of last season, and though we saw Sam (John Bradley) speak with Bran and reveal Jon Snow’s parentage, Gilly didn’t have the chance to meet anyone new on screen — yet.

Game of Thrones’ stars wrap up final scenes hinting at surprising character meet ups

We also know that Jon (Kit Harington) and Daenerys Targaryen were also heading to Winterfell on a ship when we last saw them.

Could Dany be one of the characters Hannah is talking about? Because Emilia recently revealed that she had filmed her last scenes.

The star, who plays the badass mother of dragons told Vanity Fair that her last moments left her rattled.

‘It f***ed me up,’ she told the publication. ‘Knowing that is going to be a lasting flavour in someone’s mouth of what Daenerys is… I’m doing all this weird shit.

‘You’ll know what I mean when you see it.’

Our eyes are also set on Gendry, plays by Joe Dempsie who told Insider he finished filming last week – he said things got emotional.

Although Hannah, like Joe, did not reveal much about her last scenes, so we have to wait and see if the pair also get to meet.


Source: News Agencies