Focus today is on 4 causes of Anthrax


Anthrax is a rare but serious illness caused by a spore-forming bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax mainly affects livestock and wild game and can infect humans through direct or indirect contact with sick animals. Signs and symptoms, which depend on how you’re infected, can include skin sores, vomiting , shock many more. Thid is according to an article from Mayo clinics published on 11th May 2022

Causes of Anthrax

Animals: Humans can get anthrax through exposure to infected domestic or wild grazing animals and exposure to infected animal products, such as wool or hides.

Inhalation: Inhalation of spores, typically during the processing of contaminated animal products can cause anthrax

Undercooked meat: Consumption of undercooked meat from infected animals can cause anthrax.

Biological weapons: According to a research from Healthline Clinic published on 16 July 2018, Anthrax can be used as a biological weapon, to clear out population. but this is very rare.

In conclusion, many common illnesses start with symptoms that resemble the flu. The chances that your sore throat and aching muscles are due to anthrax are extremely small. However if you think you may have been exposed, please see a doctor immediately for evaluation and care.