Diet Your Way To Sexual Power! What To Eat To Be A Sexual Goddess


They say you are what you eat. This goes to say that if you want to increase your sexual power and impress your partner in ways that they’ll appreciate you, you need to include these in your diet.

Pumpkin Seeds AKA Egusi

When it comes to foods for sexual power, pumpkin seeds cannot be overlooked. Pumpkin seeds are one of nature’s sources of zinc that is said to enhance testosterone levels.

Sweet Potatoes

They are not only a healthier alternative to French fries, but also are a good sex food. The human body will transform beta-carotene in this food into vitamin A, which could keep the vagina and uterus in good shape, and produce sex hormones furthermore.


Most of us love eggs for a certain reason. Not only eggs are the symbol for fertility, but they are also rich in B5 and B6 that could reduce stress and balance hormone levels effectively. This is also the wonderful out of the best foods for sexual power and sex drive.

Red Wine

Here is another out of the best foods for sexual power for much better stamina. If you are wondering if drinking red wine is good for your libido or not, then the answer is yes. But, moderation is the key. It is pointed out that those women who drink about 2 glasses of red wine per day might have a higher libido than those people who opt for other alcoholic beverages. Drinking cabernet, pinot noir, and other reds could not only help you decrease inhibitions, but also make people more sexually attractive

Oysters and Sea Food

Aside from their reputation as the amazing aphrodisiac, raw oysters really have a link to sexual function. The oysters have more zinc than any type of food and it is strongly believed that this mineral could support the sex life by helping the production of testosterone. Normally, higher production of testosterone means higher desire. Also, zinc is critical to a healthy production of sperm and blood circulation.  Some other good sources of zinc are red meat, shrimp, pumpkin seeds, pork and poultry, and dairy products. Thus, this is also one of the tips on how to increase sex power and stamina in men by food and how to improve erection strength that men should consume more every day if they want to improve their power of erection in bed by making use of the best foods for strong erection.


Tigernuts, Almond Nuts, Groundnuts, all kinda nuts *wink*

Just add a handful of nuts to the morning breakfast, a dessert, or a salad in order to enhance your libido. Nuts, especially, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, are rich sources of L-argine, which gets converted into nitric oxide. This substance is well known as a sex booster. Thus, this is one of the best foods for sex drive and erection strength that no man should look down if they want to last longer and get more powerful erection in bed to satisfy their women and if they really want to learn what healthy foods for sex to increase sex power!