David Beckham banned from driving for using mobile phone


David Beckham has been given a six-month driving ban for using his mobile phone while behind the wheel.


The former England captain previously pleaded guilty to using the device while driving his Bentley in central London on 21 November last year.


A court heard he was photographed by a member of the public holding a phone as he drove in “slowly moving” traffic.


Beckham, 43, received six points on his licence to add to the six he already had for previous speeding matters.


He was also fined £750, ordered to pay £100 in prosecution costs and a £75 surcharge fee within seven days.


Bromley Magistrates’ Court heard Beckham was seen “operating a handheld device at knee level” while driving along Great Portland Street in the West End.


Prosecutor Matthew Spratt said: “Instead of looking straight forward, paying attention to the road he appeared to be looking at his lap.”


Beckham’s defence barrister Gerrard Tyrrell said the former Manchester United midfielder had “no recollection of the day in question or this particular incident”.


He added: “There is no excuse for what took place but his view is as he cannot remember.”


In September, Beckham was accused of “shirking his responsibility” as a role model when he avoided prosecution on a speeding charge because of a technicality.