Caution Reckless Drivers, FRSC Advises Passengers


The Ogun State Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps on Monday advised passengers to always caution drivers against reckless driving to avoid accidents.

Mr Clement Oladele, the Ogun Sector Commander of FRSC, gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria in Ota, Ogun.


Oladele was reacting to an accident that claimed eight lives, injured a pregnant woman and a boy along Ewekoro axis on Abeokuta/Lagos Expressway on Sunday.

The sector commander said that the accident could have been averted if passengers in the vehicle cautioned the driver against reckless driving.

“The driver who was drunk, drove against the traffic and unfortunately rammed into a stationary articulated vehicle,’’ he said.


Oladele condoled with families of the victims and prayed God to grant the victims’ families the fortitude to bear the loss.

He instructed the FRSC Unit Commander in Itori, Ogun, to increase the parking space for the Cement Company in Ewekoro axis as part of measures to prevent future occurrence.

Oladele, however, advised motorists to desist from drinking intoxicating substances and driving against traffic to avoid unnecessary death.


Mr Sunday Oko, the Itori Unit Commander of FRSC, described the accident as `a regrettable one’, urging motorists to adhere strictly to all traffic rules and regulations.

Oko also warned motorists against speeding, saying that if the driver of the ill-fated vehicle did not speed, the accident could have been prevented.

He reiterated the command’s commitment to increase patrol teams along Ewekoro and environs to check the excesses of drivers and avoid unnecessary loss of lives and property.

NAN reports that the accident which involved a Toyota Corolla Sport vehicle, occurred around 12.30pm and claimed eight lives, injured a pregnant woman and a child.