Author Chimamanda Adichie Is Upset Over Hillary Clinton’s Social Media Profile Title As ‘Wife’


Over the weekend, award-winning authoor Chimamanda Adichie had the honor of being the interviewer of Hillary Clinton at the PEN World Voices Festival lecture.

The author took the opportunity to ask the former presidential candidate why on her Twitter bio she primarily identified her as “wife”.

She said, “In your Twitter account, the first word that describes you is ‘Wife.’ And then I think it’s ‘Mom,’ and then it’s ‘Grandmother,’” Adichie said. “And when I saw that, I have to confess that I felt just a little bit upset. And then I went and I looked at your husband’s Twitter account, and the first word was not ‘husband.’” (Bill Clinton’s Twitter bio leads with, ‘Founder, Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States,’ for interested parties.)

Responding to the questionHillary said, “When you put it like that, I’m going to change it.”

But she did have a pretty good explanation for why “Wife” kicked off her bio, which is that women should be able to celebrate both their accomplishments and their relationships. She told a story about hearing the late Barbara Bush speak at Wellesley in the early 1990s. “She said, you know, at the end of the day, it won’t matter if you got a raise, it won’t matter if you wrote a great book, if you are not also someone who values relationships,” Clinton explained.

Though at the end Hillaty made note that Adichie’s interest has noe spurred her to change her bio






Source: News Agencies