Amber Rose reveals illegal trade she did before becoming a stripper


In her words;

‘Stripping wasn’t my first option. You know, I tried selling drugs. I tried selling crack in my neighborhood. And they (drug dealers) were like, ‘No,’” Rose revealed. “They said I was gonna get robbed, I was a girl, and I was too pretty, and it wasn’t going to happen.

So what I did, I would bag it up for them. I would weigh it and bag up the crack rocks for them, and they would throw me some money.”

She continued saying;

“I feel like rappers always get this pass of, like, ‘I had to sell drugs to feed my daughter. I had to sell drugs to feed my family.’ […] Like, ‘We made something out of nothing,” she explained. “And when it comes to me, it’s like, do I have to give you this story to understand? It’s been nine years since I’ve been famous, and I never told that to nobody […] Yeah, I was a stripper, and I did what the f**k I had to do to feed my family.”

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