#Trendinghitz: Revolving Door by Tate McRae(Download)


The track talks about continuously returning to a past lover even after trying to cut things off. Whether the relationship was toxic or healthy, that doesn’t stop Tate from coming back “like a revolving door”. This song serves as the second track off her new album; “So Close To What” and it was released on the 21st of February, 2025. This song has gone viral on the social media platform; Tiktok with everyone trying to copy the dance from her music video. Commercially, the song has reached number 10 in the United Kingdom and the top 20 in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and Norway.

Groove to this hit sensation called Revolving Door by Tate McRae below

Download “Tate-McRae-Revolving-door-.mp3” Tate-McRae-Revolving-door-.mp3 – Downloaded 4 times – 2.76 MB

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