4 home remedies for shingles


Shingles, as we discussed on the last tip off segment is an infection of a nerve and the skin around it which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus that also causes chickenpox.

Shingles isn’t usually serious, but see your pharmacist as soon as possible if you recognize the symptoms. In most cases your pharmacist should be able to provide treatment, however here are four home remedies for shingles

Remedies for Shingles

1. Healing baths

According to an article by Healthline published on the 14th of June, 2019 Daily cleansing of the blisters reduces the risk of spreading the infection. So this is what you do, Take a cool bath or shower to soothe the skin. The coolness of the water can ease pain from shingles blisters and calm itchiness. You can also take a healing bath to reduce symptoms. Pour 1 to 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal or cornstarch into lukewarm bathwater and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not use hot water. Hot water can worsen shingles blisters because heat increases blood flow. Dry your body completely and then wash your towel to avoid spreading the virus to others.

2. Soothing lotions and creams

Scratching a shingles rash can cause scarring and prolong blisters. If itching doesn’t improve after a healing bath, use soothing lotions and creams. Lotions and creams don’t necessarily speed up the healing process, but they can increase your comfort level. Avoid scented or perfumed lotions. They can cause further irritation.Don’t also use antibiotic ointments on the sores, they can keep the sores from drying out and prolong healing process.

3. Essential oils

According to an article by Medical News Today medically reviewed on June 14, 2018, People have used essential oils as herbal remedies for many years, often for skin conditions. Some essential oils have properties that may help with skin irritation and healing These oils include: Chamomile oil, Eucalyptus oil, Tea tree oil. In some cases, pure essential oils can cause allergic reactions, Therefore, people should always do a patch test before trying them. It is best to dilute oils with a carrier oil or to visit a pharmacy to purchase them pre-mixed as a safe topical ointment.

4. Dietary remedies

A weakened immune system worsens shingles and this is where some dietary changes can strengthen your immune system and prevent shingles from spreading to other parts of your body. Take steps to boost the function of your immune system by eating certain foods and avoiding others. Try eating foods that promote healing which includes: orange and yellow fruits, leafy green vegetables, red meat, eggs chicken, tomatoes, whole grains, beans And many more.

As you heal and cope with the effects of shingles, you might crave comfort foods. However, you should avoid certain foods if you have shingles.

Foods to avoid include: food and juices with high amounts of sugar, foods with saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, chocolate and so so  on as eating this will prolong healing process.

Note: When the virus becomes worse by the day, it is advisable to visit a medical doctor for further tests and check up.