4 ways to manage dyslexia


We started last time talking about dyslexia and four signs/ symptoms to know if you’re dyslexic or to know someone with dyslexia. So today I’d be sharing with you four ways on how to manage dyslexia or people with dyslexia.


Being dyslexic is not something to be ashamed off, it’s not a curse nor is it a disease and having dyslexia doesn’t mean that you won’t be successful, no. It’s just a difficulty that can be assisted with. There are a lot of successful dyslexic people with the likes of Mohammed Ali, even American film producer, screenwriter, animator and director, Walt Disney, world-famous British novelist, Agatha Christie, Movie actor, Tom Cruise, Whoopi Goldberg, Albert Einstein, Jennifer Aniston, Cross from Big Brother Naija, Even Steve Jobs. Now I’m going to let you know four ways on how to manage dyslexia or people with dyslexia.


1. Getting Organized and making lists: According to an article by Wikihow which was published on the 8th of April, 2021, one of the best ways to manage dyslexia is to get organized simply using a calendar for both adults and children. Now this is to help people with dyslexia remember important deadlines and dates as well as using time efficiently. Also, people with dyslexia often struggle with remembering things so making lists helps them be more organized and reduces the number of things they have to remember, which can free the mind to focus on tasks that require more concentrated attention.


2. Remove any form of distractions: People with dyslexia can easily become distracted at any time even with the slightest sound. How you can manage it, is by removing things that can distract their full attention, this is equally for children as it is for adults. Put electronic devices on silent and turn off the music or TV especially when people with dyslexia want to have a study time and keep only the things that they need to complete the task. Basically, for adults and children, it’s advisable to put away anything you don’t need in order to be fully concentrated on the task at hand.


3. Take frequent breaks: In between each chunk of work,assignments or anything taking the time of a person with dyslexia, short breaks are advisable to take. Now this will help to absorb the information they just acquired. Whenever you notice your child is getting tired from the chunk of homework from school, let the child have a break, to at least rest in order to give the mind a fresh start for the next task. According to an article by Wiki how, people with dyslexia should keep their breaks to only a few minutes, longer than that and you may not be using your time wisely.


4. Rely on friends and family or Seek professional help: People with dyslexia must always have friends and family to rely on, people that care and encourage them through difficult tasks. Like i said earlier, it is not a curse and they shouldn’t be treated like an outsider. For children with dyslexia, parents should be able to be relied upon by their kids not pushing them or judging their ability not to be able to assimilate faster than other children. And if you find this challenging to help your child through this process all by yourself, turn to a professional. People with dyslexia can also try Speech therapists, seeing reading specialists, and other educational and speech professionals that have specific skills and training to treat dyslexia. Also consulting with others in this area can introduce you to more effective strategies for coping with dyslexia.