4 tips to help you stay focused on your goals this year


I started last time talking about four tips to start your new year off right and one on them was setting reasonable and specific goals. Now just setting the goals isn’t just enough, you can just set them for the sake of it and not put in effort into achieving it. So that’s why, today I’m going to share with you four tips on how to stay focused on your set out Goals.


1. Write down your goals: One proven strategy for focus is to write your goals and keep the list in a visible location. This will help remind you of the reason you’re working and improve your focus. Writing down your goals can also help you create a plan for achieving them. Another advantage to writing down your goals is that this action can give you the ability to assess the strength of your goals. The ideal goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based.


2.Create and follow a plan: After writing down your goals, the next step is to create and follow a plan. Trust me, Planning can help you focus by helping you identify the smaller tasks that are involved in a large goal. Schedule your time, make to do lists. That way it can help you visualize your goals and manage your time efficiently. You can create daily, weekly and monthly to-do lists with tasks that help you work toward your goal to help you maintain focus.


3. Remove Distractions That Are Not Related to Your Goals: Now imagine you hyped up, writing your goals, making lists then one little thing comes in your way to distract you and you just end the day feeling unfulfilled and angry at yourself for not being able to achieve the set goal you put out. Now I definitely know that it’s not just me and I can speak for a number of people. And the solution to this it to remove any form of distractions that do not align with your set goal. Once you’ve done that, you’d notice your focus on your goals is back on track.


4.Evaluate your progress: According to an article by INDEED published on the 15th of April,2021. To help you stay on a successful trajectory, you can periodically evaluate your progress toward your goals. Not only does this serve as a motivator for continuing toward your goals, it can also give you a sense of accomplishment for the tasks you’ve completed so far. Evaluating your progress can also help you modify your plans to continue toward your goals.