4 techniques to improve your memory


One of the biggest functions of the brain is the function of memory- the ability to remember past occurrences. The hippocampus, located in the brain’s temporal lobe, is where episodic memories are formed and indexed for later access. Episodic memories are autobiographical memories from specific events in our lives, like the coffee we had with a friend last week.


Sometimes we forget things and kick ourselves in the foot for forgetting those things but how about we talk about techniques you can inculcate to improve your memory.


1. Exercise: An article written by Jon Johnson and medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg on medicalnewstoday.com, says that exercise reduces the risk of cognitive decline with age and protects the brain against degeneration. According to the results of a 2017 study, aerobic exercise can improve memory function in people with early Alzheimer’s disease. Some aerobic exercises include brisk walking, running, hiking, swimming, and dancing.


2. Meditation: In 2018, research was conducted ibservibg the barins of people who practised meditation and those who did not and the authors showed that meditation improves working memory and long term memory, brain function and also reduces markers of brain degeneration. Their results indicated that making a habit of meditating may cause long term changes in the brain, including increasing brain plasticity, which helps keep it healthy.


3. Sleep: Observing a full sleep cycle at night, typically between 7 and 9 hours for adults, helps the brain to create and store long term memories while disrupting the body’s sleep cycle can cause impairments in the brain as it interrupts the brain’s process of creating memories.


4. Reduce Sugar Intake and Avoid High-calorie Diet: According to a 2017 research, diet high in sugary drinks has a link to Alzheimer’s disease, which means that taking much sugar contributes to memory loss. Research has also proved that high calorie diets lead to inflammation in some parts of the brain. It was found that female participants with an average age of 60.5 years reduced their calorie intake by 30%. The researchers found that they had a significant improvement in verbal memory scores and that the benefit was most significant in those who stuck to the diet best.


So you can apply any of these tips if you feel the need to improve your memory.