4 Important Reasons For Dextoxification


What is detoxification? Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver.



Detoxification should be done periodically (bi-monthly, quarterly) which can last for months. A diet that supports detoxification consists of plenty of organic, fresh vegetables and fruits and a moderate amount of water. We encourage you to detoxify your body and take this very important step forward in reclaiming your health.



There are many reasons to do a detox besides losing weight. Some of which are:

  • More Energy. An energy boost is one of the first benefits of detoxing you’ll notice
  • Aids Internal Organs
  • Better Immune System
  • Nicer Breath
  • Clearer Skin
  • Improved Thinking
  • Shinier Hair


We compare these toxins to dirt in an engine. An engine cannot run well with dirt in it because its parts cannot make contact with one another. Our bodies can be likened to a biological engine. The collaboration and communication between four major systems in the body is critical to its proper function. These four systems are the endocrine or hormonal system, the immune system, the liver, and the gut. If any of these system is compromised, the “bio-engine” will not run well. Toxins and hormone disruptors are like dirt in the engine of the body which interferes with the communication and collaboration between its major systems. Of course we had listed some major reasons to do a detox, but today we will focus mainly on four of them:


  • Aids Internal Organs: Even if your liver, kidneys, and other organs are in healthy working order, your body may still be storing more toxins than you realize. A detox is a great way to get rid of those toxins and help your internal organs to their job more effectively


  • Better Immune System: Warm Lemon Water. Drinking warm lemon water upon rising and continuing throughout the day can help flush out toxins and maintain a healthy immune system. Dry Skin Brushing, Drinking Tea
  • Nicer Breath: Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge behind your upper teeth and exhale completely through your mouth so that you make a whoosh sound. Close your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose for a count 4, hold your breath for 7 counts, then exhale through your mouth for a count of 8
  • Improved Thinking: Many people are exposed to chemical and biological toxins in the course of trauma, for example, war, natural disasters, and genocide or have used toxic substances such as alcohol. These toxins affect all aspect of physical and mental health including brain function. Poor quality nutrition also contributes to the buildup of toxins in the body as a natural by-product of daily life which suggests everyone can benefit from engaging in detoxification strategies. Everyone can benefit from activities that support detoxification.

Detoxification is an essential part of a prevention and treatment program for recovery of mental health, depression, and addictions. Every culture includes a variety of detoxification methods in their traditional medicine repertoire.


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