4 common habits that are bad for your health


We all have bad habits we would like to change. Whether it’s snacking too much or skimping on sleep, vices can be hard to kick once they become routines hardwired into our brains.


Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day. There are good and there are bad habits. For this article, we will be focusing on the bad habits. Identifying a bad habit is the first step toward improving your health and well-being, but motivation alone is not always enough. Some of the things you do-or don’t do-every day might be sabotaging your efforts to be healthier.


Here are four common bad habits that are harmful to your health:


Sitting too much: Research shows that prolonged sitting increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other health problems. In fact, the more time you spend sitting, the higher your risk of an early death. A 2017 study that tracked the activity levels of 7,985 adults over age 45 found that those who had the greatest amount of sedentary time had almost double the mortality risk of those who spent less time sitting. So try taking time to exercise by standing, walking around and that is certainly going to help improve your health on the long run.


Drinking too much and not drinking enough water: While most experts say it’s fine to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, excessive drinking is tied to health conditions including high blood pressure, heart and liver disease, stroke and cancer. Too much alcohol can also cause depression, anxiety and sleeplessness, and it weakens your immune system. Water accounts for 60 percent of our body so it’s not too surprising that drinking water benefits your total body health. Staying hydrated helps to keep your memory sharp, your mood stable, helps clean toxins from your body via your kidney and your motivation intact. So, how much water should you be drinking? The Institute of Medicine says adult men need about 13 cups per day of fluid; adult women need about 9.


Eating Late at Night and skimping sleep: There are a couple of reasons why you should think about moving your dinner hour earlier. Researchers suspect that the longer lapse between meals allows the body to process the food more efficiently. Reason is that you may sleep better: according to the National Institutes of Heath, late-night meals can cause indigestion that interferes with sleep. That aside, If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re not just turning yourself into a daytime zombie -you also could be more likely to have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. And it might be harder for you to learn and remember things. Set a regular sleep routine and stick with it. And do your best to get 7-8 hours a night.


Not Getting Enough Exercise: Physical activity has lots and lots of health benefits seriously, the list goes on and on. Not only does it keep you looking and feeling great, but exercising regularly can help you lose weight and boost your energy. Exercising regularly can also help you live longer. Additionally, exercise keeps your heart healthy; lowers your risk of some types of chronic disease, such as breast cancer and some aggressive forms of prostate cancer; improves blood flow to your brain, keeping you sharp; and helps with blood sugar control.


There are a lot more of common bad habits that is harmful to your health and this are just a few. Read up more during your free time in habits that are bad for your health to help improve your health conditions. Before I sign off from the tip off segment, make sure to visit Alvary Tv to catch up on amazing and exciting news today.