3 simple things to do if your girlfriend has trust issues


If you ever find yourself with a girlfriend who has trust issues, here are ways to help her become more trusting.

With partners who have trust issues come some difficulty which can be overcome with time and enough loving.

In a generation that quickly wants to dump and move on to the next, it’ll be refreshing to be the partner who tries to help another move beyond some insecurity and imperfection as opposed to giving up on them in the search for perfection.

So if you ever find yourself with a girlfriend who has trust issues for some reason but is willing to change that, here are ways to help her become more trusting.

My priest says I can’t marry my girlfriend of 3 years.
My priest says I can’t marry my girlfriend of 3 years.  (Ebony)

1. Be trustworthy

It’s a no-brainer, right? You cannot help someone forget something if you keep bringing it back to their consciousness.

If your girlfriend is to drop the distrust that has been built from previous relationships or other sources, finding trustworthiness in you will be a good starting point for that.

2. Be patient

You know what they say about Rome and building, yeah?

In a case where your partner’s lack of trust has been imbued with time, it’s going to take some time to chip away at that distrust and you should be willing to grant them that time.

Patience is key. Never forget.

Boyfriend issues
No need to be impatient with her. It’s going to take time and you should be willing to be there through that journey. (BeliefNet)

3. Assurance

Your trustworthiness is an act. Your assurance should be in the words you speak.

Remind her regularly that she can trust you, that you are there if she has anything to say to you. You shouldn’t have to do this, but in a relationship as this, normalcy is apparently not the order of the day. So you should always make her feel encouraged to come to you with her fears, her biggest worries and darkest secrets.

You have to be open to all of it. That’s the only way to break through that iceberg of distrust.

Source: News Agnecies