10 Signs You’re Wearing The Wrong Type Of Bra

Having a bra that fits perfectly does not only make you look good, it also makes you feel comfortable and confident. Many women are still dealing with physical problems, all of which can be solved if they find the right bra size.

You’ll know you’re wearing a wrong bra if these scenarios sound familiar to you.

1. The straps dig into your shoulder

If you have deep lines along your shoulders long after taking off your bra, then you’re probably wearing a smaller size than you should be.

2. You have to tug at it

In the course of the day, do you have to pull and adjust your bra cups, straps or bands more than a dozen times. This is probably because the cup/band may be too small or too big.

wearing a wrong bra
3. You have skin irritation

If the skin under your boobs is always itchy and irritated, the underwire of your bra may be to blame. The bra may be too old or you’re reacting to the fabric.

4. You get the jiggles

The right bra should comfortably cradle your boobs and you can easily run around without worrying about them jiggling. If this happens, then your bra isn’t offering enough support.

5. You have the quad-boob

This is the scenario where your bra sort of divides each boob in two and you have more boob out of your bra than in. Try moving up a cup size to fix this.

wearing a wrong bra
6. The band is too tight

The band is the part of the bra that offers the most support so it has to fit perfectly. If it’s squeezing your back, then find a different style or one with a thicker band.

7. Your ribs ache when you take them off

If you experience pains in your chest and back area after taking off your bra, then you need to find a new one.

8. You get headaches

Sure, all sort of things can cause a headache. Interestingly enough, wearing a wrong bra is one of them. When they don’t support you properly, your upper body muscles have to work harder. When this goes on for too long, it can cause a form of a headache.

9. Your experience shortness of breath

Tight bras can reduce your chest movement and restrict breathing. This is especially true if you lead an active lifestyle.

10. Your neck aches

If your bra isn’t supporting you properly, the rest of your body tries to compensate to support your chest. The neck area can be affected as a result, leading to painful neck muscles.