Warning Signs That Show You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep


Sleep is very essential for your mental, physical and psychological well-being. So when you’re not getting enough, it will have a negative effect on how you act and think. Experts have advised that adults need up to 8 hours of sleep every night to function effectively. Some may need more and others need less. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’ll notice these signs:

1. You feel moody
Unexplained feelings of depression and irritability can be traced to sleep deprivation.

2. Your memory becomes affected
One of the importance of sleep is that it gives your brain the much-needed downtime it needs to process the information you learned during the day. Skipping this important process can lead to forgetfulness.

3. You’re not productive
When you’re not getting adequate sleep, you find yourself wondering where the day went. This is mostly because you have difficulties achieving what you set out to do at the beginning of the day.

4. You may gain weight
Did you know that inadequate sleep can cause you to pile on the pounds? When you don’t get enough sleep, your appetite increases and you are more likely to overeat and indulge in unhealthy food. The hormone leptin helps to suppress your appetite, but when you’re getting less than 6 hours of sleep, your leptin levels decrease.

5. You’re always tired
One sure sign that you’re not sleeping well is when you feel tired throughout the day. You may find yourself falling asleep at your desk or simply feeling tired. If you have to depend on cups of coffee to get through the day, it could be your body trying to tell you something.

While sleeping in is not really doable for most of us, the best thing you can do is get in the habit of going to bed earlier than usual. Try having dinner at a decent hour and avoid leaving your most important tasks until late at night. You’ll find that you achieve more in less time if you get enough sleep.

