Truth behind the death of 22-year old lady allegedly killed by her Naval officer fiance


22-year-old Lorraine Onye was alleged to have been killed in May, 2018, by her Naval officer boyfriend LT.Abubakar Yahaya Yusuf, in his official quarters in Borikiri Port-Harcourt, River State, over her refusal to accept a break up from him.

Yusuf was also said to have fled after killing her, but there is now a new twist to the story. After the incident, operatives of the IGP-Intelligence Response Team swung into immediate action and arrested one Taddues Jaja, 28, who was Yusuf’s house boy.

Upon his arrest, Jaja made very graphic confessions on how he murdered Lorraine, during an argument and that in a bid to cover up his crime, he also murdered the unsuspecting officer by poisoning his drink with an overdose of a drug named “Talen” and sent a text message with the late officer’s phone to one Joy- a friend of the late girlfriend, stating that the Navy Officer had murdered his girlfriend over a dispute. .

Jaja then drove the corpse of the officer to a forest in Ubima and burnt the lifeless body. .

The suspect took operatives to the forest where he carried out the dastardly act and the carcass of the late Naval Officer was found burnt beyond recognition. With the aid of a pathologist, the remains were recovered and deposited at UPTH mortuary.
Exhibit recovered from the suspect include the car of the naval officer which he had already sold to a buyer in Benin city and the Naval Officer phone he sold to another buyer in Port-Harcourt.












Source: News Agencies