Trump’s Nominee Herman Cain’s Ex-Mistress Says She Will Describe His Body To Congress If He Doesn’t Withdraw His Nomination


A woman who claims she had a 13-year affair with Herman Cain has offered to describe his body parts to Congress if he doesn’t withdraw his name from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board.

Ginger White, who first revealed the alleged affair in 2011, has spoken out after President Trump said he wanted to nominate the conservative political ally and former presidential candidate for a seat on the seven-member board.

White said on Thursday that she was willing to prove that the affair occurred by giving descriptions, under oath, of Cain’s normally hidden body parts.

Cain, who has been married for 50 years, has denied having an affair with White.

The former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza ran for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination but dropped out after allegations of sexual harassment and infidelity, including ones made by White, surfaced.

‘I ask Herman, if I never had a relationship with you, how would I be in the position to describe parts of your body that are not visible,’ White said.

‘It’s time for you, Herman, to quit. Quit thinking that just because a few years have passed that your actions from the past are no longer relevant.

‘Quit blaming everyone for your political downfall and failures. You are the only one to blame. Quit believing that you can lie about your behavior and still be qualified to hold an important public position of trust.’

Her attorney, Gloria Allred, added that White was willing to give descriptions of Cain’s body parts to the Senate Banking Committee, which is responsible for approving the nominations to the Federal Reserve Board.

‘This testimony will not be necessary if Mr Cain withdraws his name from the vetting process and or the President decides not to formally nominate him,’ Allred said.

White went into detail on Thursday about her alleged affair with Cain, saying they first met at an event in Louisville, Kentucky when he was president of the National Restaurant Association.

She claims their affair carried on between 1998 to 2011 and that Cain regularly paid for their trips away.

White said she kept their relationship ‘as private as possible’ but that all changed when he decided to seek the GOP nomination for President.

‘The day Herman shared with me his plan to run, I honestly thought he was joking. I also thought, what a risky move for a man who was then having an affair. I would be very surprised if I was the only “other woman” in his life,’ she said.

‘Once Herman announced publicly that he was seeking the nomination for president, it didn’t take long for his past behavior with women to come to the surface.’

Four other women came forward with allegations that he had engaged in sexual harassment in the 1990s.

‘I came forward in 2011 because I felt it was very important for the public to know the truth about his relationship with me. As a result of speaking out about our relationship and his denials and attacks, my life, as I knew it, changed forever.

‘The criticism, the accusations and the attacks were almost unbearable, but if I had to do it all over again, I would do exactly the same.’

Addressing Cain directly, White said it had become ‘painfully obvious’ he wouldn’t admit to their alleged affair or the sexual harassment allegations made against him.

‘It’s time for you to be held accountable for your actions. Today more than ever, women are fighting back. We’re not backing down, we’re not afraid.

‘Today, I’m challenging Herman to take his own advice. Put one of your ‘Truth Cards’ to use, and do us all a favor and remove yourself from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board.

‘You are a liar and you don’t deserve the public’s confidence in such an important position.’

Cain continues to deny the allegations of an affair and revealed he will not be withdrawing his nomination for the Federal Reserve Board.

When asked about White’s claims on Fox News on Thursday, Cain described it as ‘recycled defamation that was nearly eight years ago’.

‘I’m not going to drop out because they are recycling the unfounded accusation from nearly eight years ago,’ he said.

Cain confirmed in the interview that he knew White but that he ‘helped her financially because there were times when she was falling on hard times’.

‘I guess this is that thanks you get when you try to help someone financially when they were nearly on the street and didn’t have a place to live as one example. So yeah, I did know her. I deny an affair.’

Earlier this month, Trump said he intended to nominate Cain and conservative commentator Stephen Moore for two vacant seats on the Federal Reserve Board.

The selections of Cain and Moore would require Senate confirmation and their potential nominations could face hurdles in the Senate.

Trump said last week that he believed that after a background check Cain would ‘be in great shape.’

‘I find Herman to be an outstanding person,’ he said.

Asked if he had any concerns, Trump said: ‘None whatsoever. He’s a highly respected man. He’s a friend of mine.’