#Trendinghitz: Texas Hold’em by Beyonce(Download)


Social media has been buzzing nonstop since this song “Texas Hold’em” by Beyonce was released on the 11th of February 2024, largely because people are amazed that she sang a country song of all genres, being a black woman, making it look like she stole country music from Caucasian people when black people actually originated country music. Well, whatever your thoughts are on that, “Texas Hold’em” is a Beyonce song, which means it is topping the charts right now, even debuted No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart.

Vibe to the latest hit by the Queen B! Download and Enjoy “Texas Hold’em” by Beyonce below.

Download “Beyonce-TEXAS-HOLDEM-OFFICIAL-AUDIO.mp3” Beyonce-TEXAS-HOLDEM-OFFICIAL-AUDIO.mp3 – Downloaded 114 times – 3.62 MB