#TIPOFF: 4 tips to relieve Anxiety


The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines anxiety as, “An abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension in fear often marked by physical signs ( such as tension, sweating, and increased pulse rate), find out concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with it.” Mental health experts define anxiety as worry over a threat that’s still in your future. So basically, anxiety is the feeling that we get when we think that there’s some kind of threat to us. It doesn’t mean that the threat has to be real, and it doesn’t mean that it has to be something that is a physical threat, it just has to be something that causes us to worry. Everyone feels anxious from time to time. But here are four ways to relieve Anxiety.


1. Practice Deep breathing: According to an article by Better help on the 10th of February 2020, Deep breathing is an  effective way to relieve stress and anxiety. It helps you with physical symptoms such as shallow breathing and rapid heart rate, and it also helps with controlling your thoughts by taking your thoughts off whatever is causing your anxiety away when focusing on the deep breathing.  To do this simply sit in a comfortable position if possible. Then place one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach. As you inhale deeply to the count of four, feel your hands raising as both your lungs and your diaphragm fill with air. Then exhale all of the air out of your lungs and feel like both of your hands go back down. Take your time doing this allowing your mind and body to calm.


2. Get enough sleep: According to An article published by Medical News Today on the 6th of November, 2019, study suggests that a deep phase of sleep is a natural anxiety reliever. Research shows that after a full night of sleep, 7-9 hours we’re likely to feel less anxious and more confident. Physical activity during the day will help us sleep better too. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest.


3. Hang Out With Friends: If you’re struggling with anxiety, sometimes the last thing that you want to do is go hang out with your friends. Even if it’s an activity that you enjoy with people that you like, the thought of it can be stressful. Your brain already feels overwhelmed with things that you feel you need to figure out, and it can seem like a bad use of time to do something fun. However, this could be just the thing that you need. Being around other people that you enjoy can help to take your focus off the things that you’re worried about and give you a small break from your anxiety. Laughter is one of the best medicines, but so often, when we’re anxious about something, we tend to avoid anything that would make us happy. There’s  nothing wrong with taking a little bit of time to enjoy yourself.


4. Talk to someone who gets it: If your feelings of anxiety are making it hard to function, you should speak to a health professional. According to an article by WebMd on the  2nd of December, 2020 Sharing your anxiety with someone you trust can help you put things in perspective. Don’t avoid your anxious thoughts, which can make them worse. Talking to friends can also help. I have friends who have an anxiety disorder too. When I’m feeling really bad, I send them a message telling them how I’m feeling. They might have a new hack I can try, or they can point out something that might have acted as a trigger. But sometimes it’s just nice to vent to someone who knows how it feels to be in my shoes.


Don’t criticize yourself for those feelings. It is perfectly normal to be anxious but if you notice it’s getting out of control, it’s advisable to visit your doctor to prescribe drugs to calm your anxiety down.