A perverted taxi driver who groomed a schoolgirl before raping her has been jailed after his brave victim who used Snapchat to alert a friend.

John Smith targeted his young victim by gradually increasing abuse over a two-year period before forcing her to have full sex in December last year.

His traumatized victim was too frightened to tell anyone in authority what he was doing but confided in a school friend on Snapchat, shortly after the final assault, Devon Live reports.

The girl told her friend she was scared of going to the police but they agreed that the friend would contact them. It allowed forensic experts to find conclusive evidence of the rape.

John Smith was jailed at Exeter Crown Court 
Smith, 49, formerly of Exeter and Tiverton but now living in Basingstoke, admitted two counts of rape, two of assault by penetration and three of sexual assault.

He was jailed for nine years and eight months by Judge David Evans at Exeter Crown Court.

He was put on the sex offenders register for life and made subject of a sexual harm prevention order for 25 years.

Jason Beal, prosecuting, said the abuse began with touching over clothes and grew more serious over the next two years.

It ended with an assault in December 2018 when he raped the girl. Her ordeal only finished when he said ‘I better stop or I will make you pregnant’.

Brian Fitzherbert, defending, said Smith had admitted his guilt at an early stage and spared the victim the ordeal of giving evidence.

He has been a hard working man all his life and has no previous convictions. A probation report showed that he has expressed remorse and regret for what he did.