NZ ex-official guilty of hiding camera in embassy toilet


New Zealand’s former top military official in the US has been found guilty of planting a secret camera in a unisex bathroom at the country’s embassy in Washington DC.


Alfred Keating faces up to 18 months in prison for attempting to make an intimate visual recording.


Keating’s DNA matched traces found on the SD card in the camera, which appeared to have been in place for many months.


He will be sentenced on 25 June.


Formerly in the Royal New Zealand Navy, Keating was the highest ranking official at New Zealand’s US embassy when the camera was discovered in 2017.


Because he was a foreign official, New Zealand was responsible for Mr Keating’s trial, despite the offence taking place in the US.


In April, Auckland District Court heard that the camera had been hidden in a heating duct, and was found by an embassy worker when it fell onto the floor.



The man initially thought it was a memory drive, but then noticed a tiny camera lens and the brand of the camera, BrickHouse Security.