Most relationships never make it past their first month because of this particular phrase “no sex, no relationship, especially for people newly getting into relationships with people who have been in relationships previously, it can be very difficult to deal with. There are popularly cases where the lady is a virgin and is not ready for sex just yet, but the guy although nice and caring just cannot wait to have sex. So then the question is, is it fair for the lady to starve her man or deprive him of sex because she does not want to loose her virginity? Or she is not just ready for it and at the same time, is it fair for the man to pressure his woman into sex because of his own desires?
The answers to the aforementioned questions can be very straight forward but sometimes the complexity of different individuals makes it the end of the relationship, entering into a new relationship comes with so much uncertainty and ambiguity. Therefore, managing the uncertainty is learning how to manage feelings you have. Most relationship related problems can be solved by simple good communication by both parties and sex is no different case. Like William Paisley said, “communication is the fuel that keeps the fire of your relationship burning, without it, it goes cold.”
When getting into a new relationship, one of the most important things to talk about is sex, which most people shy away from. Talk about it with the guy or the lady before you agree to be his girlfriend or her boyfriend. Both parties should draw a meaning for conclusion or go apart, because as a lady when you choose to stay a virgin in a relationship where the guy cannot stay without sex, then he will have no other choice than to cheat on you. Let me share this with you; “I have these two friends who are in a relationship. Now, the guy and the lady in question are both my good friends, so I choose not to take any side in this problem. The lady is a virgin and an undergraduate and she loves this guy immeasurably same as the guy, but he is well to do, owns his own apartment and can even afford a car, very nice and caring guy who takes care of his girlfriend dearly. But the problem there is the girlfriend who is a virgin denies him sex every time he request for it. You cannot Imagine how many times they have gotten into fights because of this, but still the lady want leave this guy because of this, but my guy is already planning a break-up”. All this would have been avoided if they had communicated their different opinions earlier on; assumption is not just good enough when it comes to this area.
Do not kill your relationship with a problem that is not a problem in the first instance, sex talk should be done before you get into the relationship not when you are in it already because most time ladies tend to hold back sex because they feel it’s a bargaining chip in case anything goes wrong, they can work out freely without regrets.