Natural Remedies for Ascites


Ascites is a condition where there is fluid buildup in the abdomenor peritoneal cavity. This leads to inflammation in the arms, legs, and spleen. When the fluid moves around to the lungs, it can make breathing difficult. Ascites is technically known as peritoneal fluid excess, peritoneal cavity fluid, and hydroperitoneum.

Treatments for Ascites
Key treatments for ascites include salt-restricted diets and bed rest. In addition to those two treatments, diuretics or drugs are also utilized for excreting more water from the kidneys. The process of therapeutic paracentesis is used to remove the fluid by inserting a thin needle or tube to remove excess fluid from the abdomen. Large volume paracentesis (LVP) is the treatment used for draining large amounts of fluid from the patient’s body. A short hospital stay is required for such treatments.

Natural Remedies for Ascites
Let’s look at the best remedies and diet tips for healing ascites:

Garlic plays a pivotal role in curing ascites. Take 125 ml of water and mix in a half teaspoon of garlic juice. Drink the garlic mixture regularly for days to see a marked improvement.

Dandelion, the herbal diuretic, is used for curing ascites, as it not only drains excess fluid but also provides potassium to the body. Drink dandelion tea twice daily to get relief.

Horse Gram
Take 25 gms of the gram and boil it in 1/4 liter of water. Let the water reduce to half. Strain the liquid. You will need to drink this for at least 3 weeks to see a noticeable change.

Bitter Gourd
Drink 25 ml juice of fresh bitter gourd thrice after mixing with water to get relief. Bitter gourd juice can also be taken on an empty stomach.

Avoid Excess Water
Intake of excessive water during the case of ascites adds to swelling and weight gain. Milk, carrot juice, and buttermilk can be used to replace water as they restore energy, without adding to fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.

Radishes are very beneficial in the treatment of ascites. Mix the juice of the leaves of the radish plant with water and consume.

Onions are very powerful diuretics. Therefore, include them in your diet to help drain the excess accumulated fluid through urination.

You should eat melon daily in a significant portion to stay healthy and fight ascites. It also helps in digestion and restoring the fluid balance, as well as other parts of homeostasis.

Regular massage with castor oil or sesame oil is very beneficial in ascites as it helps drain excess fluid from the body.

Avoid Alcohol
Stay away from alcohol! It is the cause behind 83% of all patients suffering from this disease.

Exercise helps your abdominal muscles develop well, while also protecting against fluid accumulation.

Try not to sleep during the day. Maintain a fixed time to go to bed at night and wake up early in the morning. This plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis of the body.

Harmful Diet
Avoid eating too much starch like rice and wheat. Salt is also very harmful to patients suffering from ascites.