Love Yourself: 5 self-care rituals to start your day off right


Having a great day starts with the great mindset, here are 5 self-care rituals to make sure you do every morning to get your mind right.

In an ideal world, your entire weekend could be devoted to the practice of self-care however our busy lives mean we rarely get time to self-reflect and set intentions. Morning are a great time to re-set and if you set time aside, you can think yourself into having a brilliant day. Here 5 self-care rituals to start your day off right.

Grab the time you have, five minutes here, an hour there, to refresh, reset, and reinvigorate your day.

1. Design and maintain a goal board

We all have a lot of goals and aspirations in life, but seeing them every day reminds us to continue to reach for them in our everyday tasks. Use a cork board or dry-erase board and draw or cut out pictures or phrases that represent the ultimate job you want or that dream home you have been saving for.

Make sure to hang this board in your home where you will see it every morning before you start your day. Whatever the goal may be, the visual daily reminder will help you focus your energy and get your creative juices flowing every time you see the board.

2. Tell someone you love them

This can be either easy or hard, depending on if you’ve ever said those words to that person before. Saying it out loud can make you and the other person feel amazing, so it’s worth it. Maybe you’ve been waiting to tell your new boyfriend or girlfriend your true feelings.

Maybe you haven’t told your parents that you love them in a while. If you were never close enough to your brother or sister to say the “L” word regularly, do it today. There is no time like the present, and everyone needs to hear “I love you.” Say it loudly and proudly.

3. Keep a 10-point list of what’s important to you

Millions of people live their lives without a sense of direction. Unless you know what is really important to you and what you want out of life, how are you going to know where you are going, how to get what you want, and what your goals in life are?

Think of 10 things that are really important to you; for example, family unity. Then make each item as specific as possible. Instead of family unity, maybe you really mean eating meals together, working on the chores together, or praying together.

Refine the ten things on your list until you know exactly what is of primary importance to you. These are the things that will make you happiest.

Knowing what they are can help you take care of yourself.

4. Tell the universe what you are grateful for

If we think negative thoughts, we can literally find ourselves stuck in a rut, a rut that we unintentionally made by our own thinking. We don’t want or mean to do this, but it is our human nature. Human beings are hard wired to think negatively, probably an evolutionary mechanism to keep us alert to danger and therefore increase our chances of survival.

By consciously practising positive thinking, we can move out of the old ruts by forging new, more helpful channels that can keep us in a happier place. It takes time and commitment but it can be done, and you can see results quite quickly.

What happens when you start to practise gratitude on a regular basis, every day, is that you begin to experience the feeling state of gratitude. This state of feeling warm, cared for, and filled with abundance literally changes the physiology of your internal landscape.

5. Try Breathwork

While we do it subconsciously every day, breathing is definitely something we should stop taking for granted, immediately.

Breathwork is a meditation practice that uses simple breathing exercises to improve mental, physical, and spiritual health. It’s an active meditation that moves stuck energy, limiting beliefs, and emotional blockages. The practice can transform the way you deal with stress and anxiety.

So if you’re feeling these negative emotions, practice breathwork and feel the release.


Source: News Agencies