Liverpool Mayor ‘working hard’ To Get Stranded Fans To Kiev


Liverpool mayor Joe Anderson said Friday he was “working really hard” to help football fans who face missing the Champions League final against Real Madrid in Kiev due to a flights fiasco.

Around 1,000 fans were left stranded when operator Worldchoice Sports cancelled three flights because it did not have sufficient landing slots at Boryspil Airport in Kiev.

Anderson said he was working with Kiev’s mayor — former world heavyweight champion boxer Vitali Klitschko — to find a solution for all those who face missing out.

In a video posted on Twitter on Friday, he said: “We’ve had more discussions this morning with Mayor Klitschko and also the director of the airport.

“Now they’re trying to do a couple of things for us — they’re trying to look and see if we can use an airport nearby either to get an Airbus in there or some smaller crafts either today or tomorrow.”

Worldchoice Sports on Thursday cancelled three flights to the Ukrainian capital because it had been unable to secure landing slots.

The company repeated its apology on its Twitter account on Friday.

Financial adviser Jason McGimpsey was told on Thursday his flight was cancelled.

He told Britain’s Press Association: “Worldchoice Sports had been stalling on giving us e-tickets and exact departure times and it’s become clear why that was the case, now finally they’ve said ‘we’ve cancelled it’.”

“I’ve been offered a refund but it doesn’t go anywhere near compensating me for what I’ve lost,” he added.

Chris Bolland, who has supported Liverpool for 50 years, will have to watch the game from home.

“I am gutted, to say the least. I am absolutely disgusted and there is nothing I can do about it,” he told the BBC.

“I will now have to watch it with my dear wife — but that’s not a problem as she’s a big Liverpool fan as well.”






Source: AFP